Until recently, Hudson Square was the neighborhood in Manhattan that everyone visited, but no one knew the name of.


Until recently, Hudson Square was the neighborhood in Manhattan that everyone visited, but no one knew the name of. It’s situated between three of the city’s hottest neighborhoods, Soho, Tribeca, and the West Village, yet no one seemed to know they were in Hudson Square when they were there.

Applied was brought on to tackle this problem. We saw the potential in this special piece of New York and wanted to make sure it claimed its rightful place on the map. We understood how the history of the neighborhood’s printing industry inspired its innovative and creative tenants today, and we wanted to create an identity system that reflected this unique relationship. The neighborhood stands apart from those that surround it because things are still made here. Objects and ideas are born and cultivated here. There is no more mistaking Hudson Square for anything other than what it is: a place for those on the creating edge. Standing tall amongst its neighbors, Hudson Square has claimed its rightful place.

We are proud to work with Hayes Roth Consulting.

We understood how the history of the neighborhood’s printing industry inspired its innovative and creative tenants today, and we wanted to create an identity system that reflected this unique relationship.